Curriculum & Lessons

Courtesy of the Carnegie Library
General Curriculum Resources
Big Green
Provides curriculum resources for K-8 and High School aimed at “food literacy and real food education."* Non-profit “decentralized autonomous organization” aiming to democratize and decentralize grant making.
California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom
Comprehensive site of many resources that include fact sheets and information on the history of agriculture in California. All grade levels.
The Collective School Garden Network
Developed by the Western Growers Foundation in California and Arizona to put a garden of fruit and vegetables in every school that wants one in these two states. Curriculum at all levels.
The Edible Schoolyard Project
A non-profit organization “dedicated to the transformation of public education by using organic school gardens, kitchens, and cafeterias to teach both academic subjects and the values of nourishment, stewardship and community." All grade levels.
Corporately funded organization to “link kids to healthy food in school.” Lessons are aimed toward grade 5 and lower. Both written and video examples of curriculum.
In Defense of Food
PBS video series featuring Micheal Pollan and dedicated to showing what is healthy about food and what type of eating with make us healthy.
The KidsGardening Community supports kids gardening at home, in schools, and in communities. Combined sponsorship of corporate and other resources including the Junior Master Gardener Program. Curriculum for all grade levels.
Nature Lab
Curriculum including virtual field trips from the Nature’s Conservancy youth platform. Dedicated to learning the science behind how nature works and how to preserve it.
National Wildlife Federation Eco-Schools Project
Curriculum k-12 activities aimed at leadership for sustainable development.
Project Learning Tree
PLT helps develop students’ awareness, knowledge, and appreciation of the environment, builds their skills and ability to make informed decisions, and encourages them to take personal responsibility for the environment. All grade levels.
School Garden Support Organization Network
The Rodale Institute
Founded in 1947 based on the idea that healthy soil leads to healthy food that makes people healthy. This basic curriculum, adopted by Head Start, consists of lessons for young children that correspond to the seasons of the year.
Youth gardening and healthy eating curriculum from UC CalFresh Healthy Living. All grade levels.
*All text in quotes comes directly from the organization website or other materials.