UCCE Master Gardeners of San Bernardino County
University of California
UCCE Master Gardeners of San Bernardino County


School Garden Newsletter Photo 2

Action for Healthy Kids

This national nonprofit brings together volunteers and partners to make schools healthier places. Subscribers can sign up to receive General News and Resources and the Healthy Kids Newsletter. The monthly newsletter for parents and educators provides news, tips, events, ideas, and opportunities for improving kids’ health.



California Farm to School Network

This network is composed of farm to school practitioners and supporters throughout California. Monthly updates include information about grants, resources, research, webinars, events, and news.



California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom

This nonprofit organization is dedicated to educating youth throughout California about the importance of agriculture in their daily lives. The Cream of the Crop monthly newsletter provides information about teaching resources, grant opportunities, and professional development events.



Children & Nature Network

This organization’s mission is to increase equitable access to nature so that children and the natural world can thrive. The Finding Nature News weekly newsletter contains stories, resources, and research from the children and nature movement around the world.



Chino Basin Water Conservation District

The District helps protect and preserve the Chino Groundwater Basin for the San Bernardino County communities that rely on it for water. The Drop monthly newsletter contains videos, resources, and programs for K-12 teachers as well as information on the field trip program, poster contest, and special events for schools.




This nonprofit organization supports educators and caregivers that bring the benefits of gardening to kids. Subscribers can sign up to receive KidsGarden News for lesson plans, activities, articles, and program spotlights (24x per year); KidsGardening Activity E-Kit Fun (12x per year) for family/informal projects; and grant and contest announcements.



Project Learning Tree

PLT helps develop students’ awareness, knowledge, and appreciation of the environment, builds their skills and ability to make informed decisions, and encourages them to take personal responsibility for the environment. The newsletter contains news and information about learning activities, events, workshops, and professional development opportunities.



San Bernardino County Master Gardeners

University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) Master Gardeners are trained volunteers who provide research-based information to the public. The monthly newsletter contains information on upcoming classes and events and links to the latest blogs on a variety of gardening topics.



Square Foot Gardening Foundation

This foundation introduces gardeners to Mel Bartholomew’s Square Foot Gardening Method, which is readily adaptable to school gardens. The quarterly newsletter shares seasonal planting advice, stories, downloads, videos, and ideas to boost the harvest.



The Edible Schoolyard Project

This nonprofit organization is dedicated to transforming public education by using organic school gardens, kitchens, and cafeterias to teach the values of nourishment, stewardship, and community. Subscribers can opt into quarterly communications and regular email updates with lessons, program resources, training opportunities, news, and events.



USDA Farm to School Program

The USDA Farm to School Program helps child nutrition program operators incorporate local food in the National School Lunch Program and associated programs through grant making, training, technical assistance, and research. The Dirt monthly newsletter contains updates, news, field notes, grantee success stories, and resource highlights.



Wisconsin School Garden Network

This organization supports the growing school garden movement in Wisconsin. Their newsletter recently merged with the Wisconsin Farm to School Network’s newsletter to focus on all pillars of farm to school.


Webmaster Email: magoneill@ucanr.edu