UCCE Master Gardeners of San Bernardino County
University of California
UCCE Master Gardeners of San Bernardino County

Seed Library Mission

...is to facilitate growth of open-pollinated seeds among residents of San Bernardino County. We are building a seed collection and repository, educating gardeners about the practice of seed-saving and creating communities of seed saving gardeners.

The San Bernardino Regional Seed Library (SBRSL) is a depository of seeds held in trust for gardeners. Gardeners come to the library and borrow seed for their garden. Gardeners grow the plants in their garden and at the end of the season, they let a few plants ‘go to seed.’ From those plants, they collect seeds to return to the Library to replenish its inventory. All seeds are free to the public.


5 Great Things About This Seed Library!

  1. BIODIVERSITY IS AT RISK. A far wider variety of seeds can be kept fresh by many people growing. We all gain when we combine our efforts. The SBRSL is focused on varietals ideal for home gardeners
  2. SAVE MONEY. Gardeners can save hundreds of dollars each season by growing their own food and saving their own seed.
  3. PLANTS CHANGE OVER TIME. Over time plants will change if response to our local climate and soil, and gradually will become better seeds for our areas.
  4. GIVE POLLINATORS A CHANCE. The SBRSL will also offer seeds for growing plants that pollinators enjoy. Bees, butterflies, and more pollinate your garden plants.
  5. CA NATIVES. Let’s save the CA Native seeds. Some botanic gardens and other groups save these seeds and “reforest” our environment. CA Native will be available for you and your garden.
Webmaster Email: magoneill@ucanr.edu